Award of Scholarships, Medals and Prizes Rules
For DAE , DDM, D.Com , DBA, Matric Tech & Matric (Voc)
All awards shall be made on the result of an Annual Examination. No award shall be made on the result of Supplementary / Compartment Examinations.
Only those candidates shall be entitled to an award who take and pass the Annual Examination as a whole at one and the same sitting/attempt in all the examinations i.e 1st , 2nd & 3rd year.
For determining merit , marks in the optional subject shall also be counted.
When two or more candidates are bracketed together, the award shall be made to all the bracketed candidates.
All scholarships awarded by the Board shall be considered as National Talent Scholarships.
The total number of scholarships for the examinations of the Board, value and conditions governing each scholarship, shall be such as may be determined by the Board from time to time.
The Scholarship of a student who fails to show satisfactory performance as reported by the Principal shall be cancelled unless the Chairman is satisfied that the causes of a failure were beyond the control of the student.
No student shall be eligible for two scholarships at a time.
If the winner of scholarship did not join a recognized institution or his scholarship was forfeited for any reason, it would be granted to the next candidate on merit. If the next candidate on merit be in receipt of some other scholarship, he would be given the choice to accept Board's scholarship by relinquishing the other scholarship or to retain his previous scholarship and refuse to accept the Board's scholarship.
A Gold Medal shall be awarded every year to a candidate who secures 1st Position and obtains eighty percent or more marks in each Technology / Discipline.
The Chairman shall be authorized to approve the design of the medals.
Medal shall be delivered ordinarily to the candidates in the ceremony or through the Heads of the institutions concerned
The Medals shall ordinarily be given to the candidates within six months of the declaration of the result.
Award of Scholarships Rules
For DAE , DDM, D.Com , DBA, Matric Tech & Matric (Voc)
Scholarship will be awarded during the financial year. The Scholarship holders will be taken from 1st Annual Examination
1st, 2nd and 3rd Position Holders will be awarded scholarships.
1st Annual Examination Result of 1st year for all technologies / discipline will be considered for the selection of Scholarships Holders for 2nd year only.
DAE / DDM students will be awarded Scholarships for third year on the basis of 2nd year Ist Annual Examination result.
D.Com, DBA and Matric Tech / Matric Voc. Students will be awarded Scholarships for on year i.e. for second year.
All the scholarships will be named as National Talent Scholarship.
The value and conditions governing the scholarship for all courses shall be such as determined by the Board from time to time.
Rates of Scholarships
1st Position Rs. 15000/- per Annual
2nd Position Rs. 12000/- per Annual
3rd Position Rs. 9000/- per Annual
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